It's stylish to receive and share good vibes around here! That's why we encourage you to Live and Wear ABUNDANTLY.

Manifest and Grow

Thank you for blessing us with a visit! We are grateful you stopped by. Did you know we bless our products? We are all about vibes and being connected to source. We light palo santo and set intentions for high vibrations, positive energy, love, peace, happiness, answered prayers and protection!

Now you can maintain balance with our collection of products designed to elevate your mind, body and soul!


New Arrivals!!

1 of 6

It's Look'n Real V'ish

QR Technology

If you threw away the tag, no worries! Now you can reorder or share this site by scanning a qr code. That's right, we are the first that we know of to incoporate this technology on products. QR codes can be found on most of our products.


A Classic 'V' For Every Season

It all started when...

Brand owner, Sheika L. Taylor aka [Rolyats.the.creative], used art and fashion as an escape to cope with the loss of her brother at a young age. Click to read FULL STORY.

The Brand